Friday, August 28, 2009


Acupressure is kind of like a cross, of sorts, between acupuncture and massage. You're not using needles on specific points on the canine body, but you are using physical pressure. And you're not exactly massaging the area, but you are using physical pressure and some movement to alieviate pain and discomfort. It's something that I haven't really tried with my dogs, but I am interested in, especially as they get older.

Acupressure has been associated with helping arthritis most notably, but also behavioral issues (if you're in pain, you're not exactly wanting to be all bright and sunshiny!), skin problems, immune stilumlation and support, as well as digestive problems. It's amazing how something that is seemingly so simple can have such wide reaching benefits!

And as always, I've got some web sites that I found helpful and informative to me! This site is AWESOME because it has a whole list of articles relating to acupressure, and it has links to the articles in their entirety! This is a dog acupressure chart, which you would have found through the site listed above, but I wanted to include it anyhow!

Just more food for thought on one of the little natural things that we can do to help our pooches!

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