Today my parents' had to lay to rest their golden retriever Rudy. I'm a little numb right now. I knew this was coming pretty quickly after a phone call from my mom on Wednesday where we talked over how to tell when it was time and when to make that decision. She was practical about it and was taking the day off to spend a little extra time with him because she knew it was coming quickly. It's been coming for a while and I'm glad that he will be at peace right now. However, I'm starting to feel more emotional about it than I quite expected. While he wasn't my dog and they got him while I was in college, there's still a connection. So here's to Rudy, who brought much happiness to my parents.
Godspeed, Rudy! I always feel sad when someone I know loses a beloved pet. Maybe it's knowing that someday it will be me, or just the remembrance of what it's like. I'm not sure. We are very sorry for those who loved Rudy, though!
Rest Well Rudy. {{{{{{{}}}}}}
Lots of hugs for you and your parents. {{{{{}}}}
I'm so sorry about the loss of Rudy.
We will send pawerful healing prayers.
Nubbin wiggles & hugs,
Godspeed, Rudy! I always feel sad when someone I know loses a beloved pet. Maybe it's knowing that someday it will be me, or just the remembrance of what it's like. I'm not sure. We are very sorry for those who loved Rudy, though!
Oh Lindsay, Im sorry to hear about Rudy.
Big hugs and giant Dane kisses from Dar and I!
We are so sorry for your family's loss.
We're so sorry to hear this. He looks like he was happy and well-loved.
We are so sorry for your parents loss of Rudy. Run free sweet Rudy.
Kasha the Dainty Great Dane
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