My pick for Book of the Month for the month of October is "The Ultimate Diet" by Kymythy R. Schultze, A.H.I. This is a helpful book about feeding your dog a raw diet. The book starts off by explaining why a raw diet is more appropriate for dogs and cats. Then the author moves on to breaking down the raw diet into the essential groups and explaining what they are and their various benefits. Next she goes into making the meals themselves and how to pick things. There's a chapter on foods to avoid and the reason(s) why. There's also a chapter on how to make the switch. After that she goes into the various benefits for your dog or cat on a raw diet. Included are various testimonials from clients that she's helped make the switch. I think it's a good book for someone who is thinking about making the switch.
Sounds a most excellent book.. I love the cover, I thought it was an antique when i first saw it...
ps love can u duck over to Mr Darcys... not good news im afraid, they could use some moral support :(
that looks like a great book--i appreciate you featuring it! we don't eat the raw diet like you guys, but we DO have an organic farm with chickens cows chees and milk--hopefully that is somewhat better than grocery store kibble..
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