Sunday, August 9, 2009

Meat Day 3

Hip, hip, hooray, I'm done bagging meat!!! I did a solid 4.5 hours today and got it all finished. All told, I spent about 6.5 hours this weekend bagging up the meat. That's not really too bad. But it still is one of my least favorite things to do. And I've got a sore back to boot! Anywho here's the freezer all nice and full!
I didn't have quite enough room in the main freezer, so I had to spill over into the thawing frige's top freezer.
After getting all of that put away I had the enjoyment of emptying and cleaning out all of the tubs, disinfecting the meat scale, and cleaning up all the utensils and kitchen surfaces that I used throughout. That part also wasn't terribly pleasant, but it's done! When I was totally finished, Bess and Adam were mysteriously quiet and missing from the usual places (Heffner is always hungry and never far when I'm packing up the meat). I searched around upstairs only to find them napping in the media room!
And now for the Dane Outreach (DO) 2nd Annual Great Dane Education and Fun Day!! Like I said, we had a total blast! There were a whole lot of danes and people and Heffner would have been whining and fretting the whole time that he had to stay in his crate, so he ended up staying home. Which I felt immensely guilty about! But other than that, we had a really great time. I'll sort of chronicle the events of the day through pictures.

Everything was set up really well and so nicely organised! There was the welcome table, a table for the Great Dane Club of Western Washington, the DO information table, the Tales of Destruction table, the breed standard posted on the wall (to help with the quizes that people were taking), the illustrated guide to the recognised colors, the raffle area, and the demo/talk area. Very organised and flowed really well!

That's right, there was a Louise Peterson statue at the raffle!

Marta Brock did an agility demonstration with both of her danes. That was a big hit! Everyone loves seeing these big dogs do this stuff!

There was a talk done by Alison White and Marta Brock about dane manners, whether they're a puppy or an adult.

During the talk, Bess got to meet her half brother Morpheus. They have the same dam, CH Ruatha Daynakin Ladyhawke "Abby," but have differen sires.
There was also a woman there who had recently lost her dane. She came to the event to get her dane fix. Bess was more than happy to help out there!

I ended up missing Alison's rally demo, but I got out there in time to watch the Dress Your Dane game! I didn't even think about doing it with Bess until they had already started. She's been dressed up so many times already that she totally would have won!

After all that fun it was back inside for Georgia's (Bess' breeder) talk about health issues in great danes and health testing.

Then it was time for musical "chairs." Yellow rope circles were used instead of chairs and you had to get your dog into the circle when the music stopped.
And rounding out the day were Bess and I demonstrating some exercises using various stability balls and other core strengthening objects.

And I even won some pretty cool prizes in the raffle!!


Anonymous said...

Herro Bess, Heffner and Lindsay :D

What a fantastic day you had Bess!
Mumma and I are completely amazed and impressed that you can get on those blow up balls!

What a clever hooman you are Lindsay!
Mumma wishes that your demonstration had been video'd so we could watch it :)

Mr Darcy

Lindsay said...

No worries! I do have some video that I'll be posting later on when I do my conditioning post for the month.